I am trying to mount the service to scalatra but after compiling and starting the app GET /logging
is not recognized by scalatra
import org.scalatra._
import javax.servlet.ServletContext
class ScalatraBootstrap extends LifeCycle {
override def init(context: ServletContext): Unit = {
context mount(new LoggingService, "/logging/*")
import org.scalatra._
class LoggingService extends ScalatraServlet {
get("/*") {
I get
Requesting "GET /logging/" on servlet "" but only have:
Thanks in advance
Maybe this will solve it.
get("/") {
context mount(new LoggingService, "/logging/*")
The "/logging/*" means that it will add all with prefix /logging/
get("/") {
get("/1") {
get("/2") {
use with "/logging", "/logging/1" or "/logging/2"