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JPA Convert List<Tuple> to List<myClass>

I have the following Criteria API code which returns List.

I would like to convert this to List<myClass>

How can I do this?

CriteriaQuery<Tuple> cq = cb.createTupleQuery();

Root<ProductCatalogue> pc = cq.from(ProductCatalogue.class);
Root<ProductList> al = cq.from(ProductList.class);

Predicate[] predicates = new Predicate[predicateList.size()];

TypedQuery<Tuple> typedQuery = getEntityManager().cq(criteriaQuery);
List<Tuple> tuple = typedQuery.getResultList();

Ideally I would like to

List<Employee> emp = tuple

However the above resulted in incompatible type error, I do not know how could I cast this.


  • If you insist on using a tuple query you'll have to convert the instances manually.
    If myClass is an entity you should use CriteriaQuery< myClass> as perissf suggested, otherwise you may use a "constructor expression" to create instances directly from a select, for example:

    select new com...myClass(, c.price) FROM ProductList c WHERE c.....;

    See this answer for an example to create such a query using the Criteria API.