So I am new to JQuery and HTML and I got the Uncaught ReferenceError: img is not defined
error in the console, but I don't know what that means or how to fix it.... My project should be a slide show so when you click on the next button it goes to the next picture. I haven't added in all of the photos yet because I wanted to get this working first, but there will be 4. Also, I'm use the editor on Khan Academy, so if some of the variables are weird (such as var
) that's why.
Here is my body and script code and thanks for the help!
<button type="button" id="next">Next ➡</button>
<script src=""></script> //access to jQuery library
var photo=function(nums){
console.log("nums "+nums);//checking to see if the right number was received from the function
if (nums===1){
$("img")//I think the problem is here
.css("src","")//photo on khan academy
} else if (nums===2){
.css("src","") //photo on khan academy
.css("alt","Coffee Beans");
$("#next").on("click", function() {
var num = 0;
if(num < 4){
num = 1;
console.log("num "+num);//checking to see if the right number was sent to the function
needs to be a string
use $("img")
the way you have it written javascript is looking for an object called img
which you never define.. alternatively you could define img like this var img = "img"