I try to use the options.onTransitionEnd
available on pushPage()
because I would like to call a $scope.init()
function inside the controller of the pushed page.
I saw that I can just pass ONLY an anonymous function to the onTransitionEnd
For example:
app.navi.pushPage('page.html', {onTransitionEnd: function(){ alert('ok') } } );
There is instead a way to call a $scope
function inside the controller of the pushed page?
Tks a lot. David
You can pass a function in this way as long as the button is in NavigatorController
<ons-button ng-click="myNav.pushPage('page1.html', {onTransitionEnd: myFunction})">Push</ons-button>
.controller('NavigatorController', function($scope) {
$scope.myFunction = function () {
Check it here: http://codepen.io/frankdiox/pen/Gpzvqw
In any case, if what you want is to initialize the pushed page perhaps it's easier to use page events (only pageinit
is available for Onsen UI 1.x): http://onsen.io/guide/overview.html#Pagelifecycle
Of course, the pushed page's controller will run as well.