I have a JSON file, which contains:
"/default.aspx": "headerBg",
"/about.aspx": "aboutBg",
"/contact.aspx": "contactBg",
"/registration.aspx": "regBg",
"/clients.aspx": "clientsBg",
"/onlinesessions.aspx": "bg-white-box",
"/ondemamdsessions.aspx": "bg-grey"
Now I am reading this json file using $http, but I want to add a filter in below fashion:
Using window.location.pathname, I am reading path of the current page, suppose the current page is /about.aspx
Then I want to add a filter in $http response by which I want to read only aboutBg.
The code I wrote can retrieve all the values, but unable to filter that. Please help.
User this function where you receive the response.
function getPageBgClass(currentPage, responseData) {
if (responseData.hasOwnProperty(currentPage))
return responseData[currentPage]
return "none"
Here is how it should be used in your promise then
function(response) {
var bg = getPageBgClass(window.location.pathname, response.data);
//Your code here ...