i am failing and i don't understand why, i hope some body could help me out.
<div id="anvil" onmouseover="show(anvil_info)">
what i want to do is when you hover over anvil it starts a function
function show(x){
x.style.backgroundImage = "image_"+x
My idea was to use the assigned parameter when the function was called to get the image, but if i now look try to use it it doesn't work. How do i use a variable assigned to the function?
This one still doens't work:
function show(x, y){
x.style.zIndex = "1";
x.style.opacity = "1";
y.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+ y + "_hover')"
<div id="anvil" onmouseover="show(anvil_info, 'anvil')"></div>
new version :
function show(elem, pIdToChange){
document.getElementById(pIdToChange).style.backgroundImage = "url('"+ pIdToChange + "_hover')";
// with color switch
document.getElementById(pIdToChange).style.color = "red";
elem.style.color = "";
<div id="anvil_info" onmouseover="show(this, 'anvil')" >Hello</div>
<div id="anvil" onmouseover="show(this, 'anvil_info')">Goodbye</div>
The best is to use onmouseover="show(this)"
You'll get the element in your function, and then x.style.backgroundImage
will work fine.
function show(elem, pUrl){
elem.style.backgroundImage = "url('"+ pUrl + "_hover')"
<div id="anvil" onmouseover="show(this, 'anvil')">hello</div>