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Aurelia Validation Plugin

Any idea what is going on with aurelia-validation (the latest version)? I think something has changed/broken with the versions of the framework/validation I am using. Here are my dependencies currently:

  "aurelia-bootstrapper": "github:aurelia/bootstrapper@^0.18.0",

  "aurelia-framework": "github:aurelia/framework@^0.17.0",

  "aurelia-http-client": "github:aurelia/http-client@^0.12.0",

  "aurelia-validation": "github:aurelia/validation@^0.4.1"

As soon as I load the aurelia-validation plugin I get three errors in the chrome console:

Unhandled promise rejection Error: Error invoking TaskQueue. Check the inner error for details. Is there anywhere I can go to find out what versions of the aurelia framework are currently supported by the validation plugin?


  • It seems that you are trying to use latest version of aurelia-validation with previous version of other Aurelia libraries.

    Latest aurelia-validation release is 0.4.1, latest aurelia-framework is 0.18.0, aurelia-bootstrapper 0.19.0 and aurelia-http-client 0.13.0.

    Either upgrade all Aurelia libraries to latest version or try to downgrade aurelia-validation to 0.4.0.