Executing the app and loading views with @useview('resources/panels/data-table-panel.html')
works, but running a component test fails. Caused by 404 html-file not found.
By changing the path to @useview('src/resources/panels/data-table-panel.html')
the component can be staged, which the leads to a 404 if the app gets started later by serving it with gulp.
Does anybody have an idea how to workaround this problem? thx
I never tried the jspm skeleton. It's quite outdated, I recommend you to create a new project with latest aurelia-cli, then migrate source and test over.
Speaking about the code itself, you can switch the absolute path to relative path:
This should work. Relative path bypasses karma config on those absolute module resolution.
I don't quite understand why the karma.config has following:
paths: {
"*": "*",
"src/*": "src/*",
I thought it probably should be
paths: {
"*": "src/*",
Then you have to remove all src/
prefix, like .withResources('resources/...')