This block of code builds a whole table with data in rows and 2 columns, Edit, and Delete. I figure someone might want that code besides me getting question answered. (by the way the implode function is taking 13 columns in my recordset and displaying them. Pretty concise.)
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
$tablebuild = "<table border = '1' >";
$tablebuild .="<tr><td>Edit</td><td>Delete</td>";
while ($property = mysqli_fetch_field($result)) {
$tablebuild .= "<td>".$property->name."</td>";
$tablebuild .="</tr>";
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) // Data
{ $tablebuild .= '<tr><td><a href="leader_edit.php?MemberID='.$row[0].'" onClick=\"return confirm("You sure?");\" >Edit</a></td><td><a href="leaders.php?delete=yes&MemberID='.$row[0].'">Delete</a></td><td align="center">'.implode($row,'</td><td align="center">')."</td></tr>\n"; }
$tablebuild .= "</table>";
echo $tablebuild;
I put my onClick event in the link that calls Edit page for that MemberID because I didn't want to keep deleting Members while onClick wasn't working. After getting it to work I would then move it to nearly identical scripted link that calls delete function.
onClick=\"return confirm("You sure?");\"
However, it doesn't seem to be working. I've tried all sorts of escape and quotes but no luck. Maybe it isn't possible in a link. I think the code is a good concise way to display a recordset in Html table format and would be good to save in one's library of code.
Perhaps placing the message 'You sure?' in single quotes and escaping those will work for you:
onClick="return confirm(\'You sure?\')"