We have following SQL script in SQL Server 2012. We are about to write similar script in postgresql (HAWQ 1.3.1) at database conversion
FROM tablename_1
SUM(b.OrderValue) AS OrderValue, b.OrderDate, b.Description
FROM tablename_2 rcd
(SELECT Distinct
afv.Item, afv.Description, afd.KeyField
FROM tablename_3 afd
JOIN tablename_3 afv ON afv.FormType = afd.FormType
AND afv.FieldName = afd.FieldName
AND afv.Item = afd.AlphaValue
afd.FormType = 'CUS'
AND afd.FieldName = 'COR002') a ON a.KeyField = rcd.Customer
OrderDate >= CONVERT(VARCHAR(25),DATEADD(dd,-(DAY(GETDATE())-1),GETDATE()), 101)) b
b.OrderDate, b.Description) c ON rtr.CorpAcctName = c.Description
We tried and wrote the following script:
Above script compiled into postgresql ( VERSION HAWQ 1.3.1)
SELECT * from tablename_1 rtr LEFT OUTER JOIN
(SELECT SUM(b."OrderValue") as OrderValue,b."OrderDate", b."Description" from
(SELECT * from tablename_2 rcd
( SELECT Distinct afv."Item", afv."Description", afd."KeyField"
FROM tablename_2 afd
Join tablename_3 afv on afv."FormType" = afd."FormType" and afv."FieldName"=afd."FieldName" and afv."Item"=afd."AlphaValue"
Where afd."FormType" = 'CUS'and afd."FieldName" = 'COR002') a
ON a."KeyField" =rcd."Customer" where "OrderDate">=TO_CHAR((CURRENT_DATE -(CURRENT_DATE-INTERVAL '1 DAY)) ,'MM-DD-YYYY')) b
group by b."OrderDate", b."Description") c
on rtr."CorpAcctName"=c."Description"
Also tried with :
i wanted to achieve first day of month from my current_date
So you want everything that was created after the start of the current month.
A simple
where "OrderDate" >= date_trunc('month', current_date)
will do that.
Details on the date_trunc()
method can be found in the manual:
You should understand what your expression TO_CHAR((CURRENT_DATE -(CURRENT_DATE-INTERVAL '1 DAY')) ,'MM-DD-YYYY')
is doing so that you avoid that error in the future:
First: current_date - interval '1 day'
subtracts an interval
from a date
, which yields a timestamp
: "yesterday" at 00:00:00
Then you subtract that from today's date, so current_date - timestamp '2015-11-13 00:00:00.0'
(if today is 2015-11-14).
This yields an interval
: 0 years 0 mons 1 days 0 hours 0 mins 0.00 secs
You then pass that interval
to the to_char()
function which formats the passed interval. As it only has "1 day", no year, no month, the result of applying the format string 'MM-DD-YYYY'
on that does indeed yield 00-01-0000
You then compare this character value against a real date
- which is also something you should not do.
You should really get rid of those dreaded quoted identifiers. They are much more trouble than they are worth it