I am looking for a way to highlight duplicates in a NetSuite saved search. The duplicates are in a column called "ACCOUNT" populated with text values.
NetSuite permits adding fields (columns) to the search using a stripped down version of SQL Server. It also permits conditional highlighting of entire rows using the same code. However I don't see an obvious way to compare values between rows of data.
Although duplicates can be grouped together in a summary report and identified by a count of 2 or more, I want to show duplicate lines separately and highlight each.
The closest thing I found was a clever formula that calculates a running total here:
sum/* comment */({amount})
ORDER BY {internalid}
I wonder if it's possible to sort results by the field being checked for duplicates and adapt this code to identify changes in the "ACCOUNT" field between a row and the previous row.
Any ideas? Thanks!
This post has been edited. I have left the progression as a learning experience about NetSuite.
Original - plain SQL way - not suitable for NetSuite
Does something like this meet your needs? The test data assumes looking for duplicates on id1 and id2. Note: This does not work in NetSuite as it supports limited SQL functions. See comments for links.
declare @table table (id1 int, id2 int, value int);
insert @table values
--select * from @table order by id1, id2;
select t.*,
case when dups.id1 is not null then 1 else 0 end is_dup --identify dups when there is a matching dup record
from @table t
left join ( --subquery to find duplicates
select id1, id2
from @table
group by id1, id2
having count(1) > 1
) dups
on dups.id1 = t.id1
and dups.id2 = t.id2
order by t.id1, t.id2;
First Edit - NetSuite target but in SQL.
This was a SQL test based on the example available syntax provided in the question since I do not have NetSuite to test against. This will give you a value greater than 1 on each duplicate row using a similar syntax. Note: This will give the appropriate answer but not in NetSuite.
select t.*,
sum(1) over (partition by id1, id2)
from @table t
order by t.id1, t.id2;
Second Edit - Working NetSuite version
After some back and forth here is a version that works in NetSuite:
sum/* comment */(1) OVER(PARTITION BY {name})
This will also give a value greater than 1 on any row that is a duplicate.
This works by summing the value 1 on each row included in the partition. The partition column(s) should be what you consider a duplicate. If only one column makes a duplicate (e.g. user ID) then use as above. If multiple columns make a duplicate (e.g. first name, last name, city) then use a comma-separated list in the partition. SQL will basically group the rows by the partition and add up the 1s in the sum/* comment */(1)
. The example provided in the question sums an actual column. By summing 1 instead we will get the value 1 when there is only 1 ID in the partition. Anything higher is a duplicate. I guess you could call this field duplicate count.