How do I define the number that I want the user to guess in a number guessing game?
There are two sample runs of the program that I need to follow, with the boldface being the user's input:
OK, I am thinking of a number. Try to guess it.
Your guess? 50
Too high!
Your guess? 12
Too low!
Your guess? 112
Illegal guess. Your guess must be between 1 and 100.
Try again. Your guess? - 20
Illegal guess. Your guess must be between 1 and 100.
Try again. Your guess? 23
Want to play again? y
OK, I am thinking of a number. Try to guess it.
Your guess?
Too high!
Your guess? 12
Too low!
Your guess? 57
I'm having trouble getting my script to output ***CORRECT*****
when I/the user enter the number 23 in the 1st run. When I input 50, 12, 112, and -20, I get the correct response, but not with 23. After inputting 23, I get "Too low! Your guess?"
(I haven't tried the second run because I need to make sure I can get the 1st run to follow the sample.)
Here is a snippet of what I have:
void guessGame()
int num = 23;
int guess = 0;
int count = 1;
count = 1;
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
num = rand() % 100 +1;
printf("OK, I am thinking of a number. Try to guess it.\n");
printf("Your guess?\n");
while(guess != num && count != 6)
if(guess > 100 || guess < 1)
printf("Illegal guess. Your guess must be between 1 and 100.\n");
printf("Try again. Your guess?\n");
scanf("%d", &guess);
count ++;
else if(guess > num)
printf("Too high! Your guess?\n");
scanf("%d", &guess);
count ++;
else if(guess < num)
printf("Too low! Your guess?\n");
scanf("%d", &guess);
count ++;
if (guess == num)
printf("Too many guesses\n");
printf("The number is %d\n\n", num);
Much help is appreciated. :)
IN your function you initialize num
as -
int num = 23;
but then you make it store any randomly generated number -
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
num = rand() % 100 +1;
which may not be 23
, it can be anything between 1 to 100
. Therefore , it shows output that is not expected .
If you want num
to be 23
then remove then statement with rand()