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Ember-simple-auth with ember-cli-simple-auth-token

I'm trying to use ember-simple-auth with ember-cli-simple-auth-token:

"ember-cli-simple-auth-token": "^0.7.3",
"ember-simple-auth": "1.0.1"

And that's my configurations:

  ENV['simple-auth-token'] = {
    authorizer: 'simple-auth-authorizer:token',
    identificationField: 'email',
    serverTokenEndpoint: 'http://localhost:3000/token'

Am i missing something? Cause i'm receiving this error in my console:

Could not find module simple-auth/authenticators/base imported from simple-auth-token/authenticators/token

I already try to uninstall and npm prune, and reinstall.. and the same message keeps showing.

Thanks guys.


  • No - simple-auth-token hasn't been updated as yet. A couple of minor changes seems to get it going again, which I will post to the author.

    The changes in the ember-simple-auth-token module required are:

    1) app/initializers/simple-auth.js:

    • change "simple-auth" on line 1 to "ember-simple-auth" and
    • remove (or comment out) lines 2 and 9 (the import for setup, and the call

    to setup).

    2) addon/authenticators/token.js: change "simple-auth" on line 2 to "ember-simple-auth"

    3) addon/authorizers/token.js: change :simple-auth" on line 2 to "ember-simple-auth"

    Hopefully that helps a few people out there struggling with this.
