I am an individual developer creating a small app for a client and I am still new to the Apple ecosystem. The client has >100 legacy iPod Touch devices (ME178FD) which shall receive the app and it shall not be available to the public by any means. The devices are still on 6.0.1 and the max iOS Version usable on them is 7 (AFAIK). The app shall be usable for at least 2 years.
I figure that:
How can I distribute the app to the devices in a cost effective and pragmatic way?
That gives you 3 options:
Or, in my opinion, the best option:
This gives you also the luxury you can update the app where needed.
Since you added Titanium as a tag, set a property in the app once activated, that will remain on the device until un-installed.
Ti.App.Properties.setBool('activated, true);
You can check on boot (index.js for example) wether to display the app, or the activation page:
if (Ti.App.Properties.getBool('activated',false) === true){
// show app
} else {
// show activation page