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Spring Boot Adding Model to the View with Thymeleaf and MVC

Ok, so I'm trying to put an attribute of an object from the model to the view as a list using thymeleaf, spring boot and jpa, I've been reading over the code for hours and I can't seem to spot my problem, also in the same application I have a very similar function working so I sort of know how to do it, but I just cannot seem to figure out this one. I keep getting an error Property or field 'question' cannot be found on null. I have no idea where I'm going wrong. The object I'm have is called QuestionAnswerSet, and I have a question string and an answer string in the database, that I can submit through the app, so it's not a problem with the database. Also everything is good with my pom file because as I said earlier I have done a very similar function.

Here's my controller.

public class QuestionAnswerSetController 

private QuestionAnswerSetRepository questionAnswerSetRepo;

public String sets (ModelMap model)
    List<QuestionAnswerSet> questionAnswerSets = questionAnswerSetRepo.findAll();
    model.put("questionAnswerSets", questionAnswerSets);
    return "sets";

@RequestMapping(value="editSet/{questionAnswerSetId}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String editSetGet (@PathVariable Long questionAnswerSetId, ModelMap model)
    return "editCourse";

@RequestMapping(value="createSet", method=RequestMethod.GET)
public String createSetGet (ModelMap model)
    QuestionAnswerSet questionAnswerSet = new QuestionAnswerSet();
    model.put("questionAnswerSet", questionAnswerSet);
    return "createSet";

@RequestMapping(value="createSet", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String createSetPost (@ModelAttribute QuestionAnswerSet questionAnswerSet, ModelMap model)

    return "redirect:/sets";

public void setQuestionAnserSetRepo(QuestionAnswerSetRepository questionAnserSetRepo) {
    this.questionAnswerSetRepo = questionAnserSetRepo;


Here's my html

<div th:each="Set : ${questionAnswerSets}"   th:object="${questionAnswerSet}">
        <span th:text="${questionAnswerSet.question}"></span>

    <div th:if="${#lists.isEmpty(questionAnswerSets)}">
        There is no sets to display.

Here's my repository, it's pretty standard, just though I would include it

public interface QuestionAnswerSetRepository extends JpaRepository<QuestionAnswerSet, Long> {


And here's my object, which is what I'm trying to return as a list

public class QuestionAnswerSet {

private Long id;
private String question;
private String answer;
private User user;

public Long getId() {
    return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getQuestion() {
    return question;
public void setQuestion(String question) {
    this.question = question;
public String getAnswer() {
    return answer;
public void setAnswer(String answer) {
    this.answer = answer;
public User getUser() {
    return user;
public void setUser(User user) {
    this.user = user;

And Here's the error in my console

org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1007E:(pos    0): Property or field 'question' cannot be found on null


  • Yup, that should be pretty straightforward, here is the exception :

    Property or field 'question' cannot be found on null

    Spring EL tries to evaluate the below :

       <div th:each="Set : ${questionAnswerSets}"   th:object="${questionAnswerSet}">
           <span th:text="${questionAnswerSet.question}"></span>

    And it is unable to find questionAnswerSet ,which is null hence the error.

    Use something like this :

    <div th:each="questionAnswerSet : ${questionAnswerSets}">
            <span th:text="${questionAnswerSet.question}"></span>

    Refer Doc :