Is there a way to force the browser to render DOM changes during the execution of JavaScript? In the following example, only the '1000' will be displayed and I do understand that this is caused by having only a single thread processing the JavaScript executing but I was wondering if there is a way to force the browser to render each DOM change?
var el = document.getElementById("#fixup"),
for (i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
// can i force this DOM update to the rendered?
el.innerHTML = i.toString());
You can do it with timers. Here's an example:
var el = document.getElementById("fixup");
var speed = 10;
for (var i = 1; i <= 1000; i++) {
setTimeout(function(i) {
el.innerHTML = i;
}, speed * i, i);
<div id="fixup"></div>
Probably not the best way though, having 1000 timers from the get go is kind of fishy.
An alternative:
var el = document.getElementById("fixup");
var speed = 10, i = 0, limit = 1000;
setTimeout(function loop() {
el.innerHTML = i++;
if(i <= limit){
setTimeout(loop, speed);
}, speed);
<div id="fixup"></div>
Ultimately this would be the best if you don't care for the speed at which elements are rendered:
var el = document.getElementById("fixup");
var speed = 10, i = 0, limit = 1000;
window.requestAnimationFrame(function loop() {
el.innerHTML = i++;
if(i <= limit){
<div id="fixup"></div>