import java.awt.*;
// Logarithmic spiral example
public class Spiral extends Frame
{// The spiral consists of n line segments. Line segment 1
// has starting point (hc, vc). Line segment k, for 1<=k<=n,
// has length k*d. Each line segment makes an angle of turn
// degrees with the previous line segment. The colors of the
// lines alternate between red, blue, and green.
final static int hc= 500; // Center of spiral is (hc,vc)
final static int vc= 350;
final static int n= 2; // Number of sides to draw
final static int turn= 45; // The turn factor
final static double d= 1; // Length of leg k is k*d
public void paint(Graphics g)
{int h= hc;
int v= vc;
int k= 1;
//Invariant: legs 1..k-1 have been drawn, and leg k is
// to be drawn with start point (hc,vc)
while (k<=n)
{//Draw line k
if (k%3==0) g.setColor(;
if (k%3==1) g.setColor(;
if (k%3==2) g.setColor(;
int theta= k*turn %360;
double L= k*d;
// Calculate the end point (h_next,v_next) of
// the line
int h_next= (int) Math.round(
int v_next= (int) Math.round(
g.drawLine(h,v,h_next, v_next);
h= h_next; v= v_next;
k= k+1;
public class spiralMain {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Spiral d = new Spiral();
d.setTitle("Logarithmic spiral");;
I'm attempting to create a logarithmic spiral using line segments. When I compile the code I get this:
But I'm trying to get something with a lot less lines. It should look something like this:
I'm not sure what I should change the values to in order to get it to that point.
If I remember correctly, you should set d to the golden ratio:
* Length of leg k is k * D
private final static double D = 1.618;