I am working on a ASP.net MVC5 (C#) web application am trying to show autocomplete data from two different tables (one is device table and other one is news table) in a div in single textbox like phonearena.com is showing, when you input a query they show all the phones and tablets containing that query and also the news and reviews.
right now I am able to autocomplete data from one datasource like this.
$(function () {
function log(message) { }
source: "/Search/?term",
minLength: 1,
select: function (event, ui) {
return false;
.data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {
return $("<li>")
.append("<a href='/" + item.query + "'>" + item.title + "</a>")
I want to show devices and news lists in a div. Please see on the site I mentioned about and write any famous phone, and drop down div will pop out with records. Can you guys please help me figuring this out. Thanks
Tables Structure
Device Table
1-----------------iPhone 6---------------iphone_6
2-----------------Galaxy S6--------------galaxy-s6
3-----------------Lumia 990--------------lumia_990
News Table
1-----------iPhone 6 Review---------------iphone-6-review----------------------1
2-----------iPhone 6 Pros & Cons----------iphone-6-pros-cons----------------1
3-----------Lumia 990 Camera Review-------lumia-990-camera-review-----3
for this you can create two queries with same column names and union it like :
select device_name as title, device_query as query, 'device' as q_type from device_table // add your where clause here
select news_title as title, news_query as query, 'news' as q_type from news_table // add your where clause here
and in autocomplete
.data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) {
if(item.q_type == "device")
// add your device type html
// add your news type html