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Using procmail to copy emails to another address and altering "from"

I get email alerts that are generated by a user on one of my servers. These alerts are generated by and they have to do with third party software not working properly.

I'm trying to use procmail to copy (as I want to keep receiving these) these emails to [email protected].

I'm looking for emails that, in their body, have "C:" followed by 6 characters, a dot, and 3 more characters. All of that is working fine, but I want the third party to get these emails from me [email protected] rather than server.

How can I copy the email to a third party AND change the from address to be [email protected]?

Here's the procmail file:

cat .procmailrc

:0 c:
* B ?? C:......\....
! [email protected]

:0 B:
* ^To: .*[email protected]
! [email protected]


  • Inject the headers you want with formail before piping to sendmail. (Recall that ! is basically a shorthand for | $SENDMAIL $SENDMAILFLAGS.)

    Do I understand correctly that the first recipe is the one you would like to modify?

    :0 c  # No lockfile when forwarding
    * B ?? C:......\....
    | formail -I 'From: [email protected]' \
      | $SENDMAIL $SENDMAILFLAGS [email protected]

    Your second recipe similarly should not have a lock file; see