My Setup :
Project A
Class Log
public static void WriteLog(string msg)
Trace.write(GetTimestamp(), GetAppDominNameCallingWriteLog(), msg);
Project B contains Static link Log.cs (Add as link)
Project C contains Static link Log.cs (Add as link)
Project D contains Static link Log.cs (Add as link)
Using one log file for all the project. Now I need to get the project name (GetAppDominNameCallingWriteLog()
) in the Log
class. How can i achieve this without passing Project name to WriteLog()
e.g. Project C calls Log.Writelog("logging msg")
the result should be 201511121232 Project C logging msg
Project D calls Log.Writelog("logging msg")
the result should be 201511121232 Project D logging msg
Tried with Thread.AppDomain()
, it always return Project A.
Sorry I forgot to add this case : Project C is referenced in Project A.
You can find out the executing project using the below code
I have also checked this with the Thread class. It returns the result correctly
Based on the additional information provided in the comments, you can identify the calling Assembly using Reflection
Working Example
static void Main(string[] args)
//Direct call to the Log class from ConsoleApplication3
//Indirect call to the Log class through a Class Library called ClassLibrary1
And the output is