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how to submit form values in 2 different tables symfony

I want to submit a form and store the values in 2 different tables (that are in the same database).

This is the form:

<div class="control-group">
      <label{% for attrname,attrvalue in attr %} {{attrname}}="{{attrvalue}}"{% endfor %}>Naam</label>

      <div class="controls">
            {{ form_widget(form.product) }}
            {{ form_errors(form.product) }}
<div class="control-group">
      <label{% for attrname,attrvalue in attr %} {{attrname}}="{{attrvalue}}"{% endfor %}>Aantal</label>

      <div class="controls">
           {{ form_widget(form.amount) }}
           {{ form_errors(form.amount) }}

This is the form builder:

$builder->add("amount", "number", array("label" => "Aantal"));
$builder->add("product", "text", array("attr" => array("autocomplete" => "off", "data-provide" => "typeahead", "data-items" => "15", "data-source" => $dataSource), 'mapped' => false));
$builder->add("price", "number", array("label" => "Aangepaste prijs", 'mapped' => false));

this is a part of the entity:

     * @var integer $id
    private $id;

     * @var integer $amount
    private $amount;

     * Get id
     * @return integer 
    public function getId()
        return $this->id;

     * Set amount
     * @param integer $amount
     * @return BookingEntry
    public function setAmount($amount)
        $this->amount = $amount;

        return $this;

     * Get amount
     * @return integer 
    public function getAmount()
        return $this->amount;

and here is the ORM:

type: entity
    table: null
            type: integer
            id: true
                strategy: AUTO
            type: float

Now do I wanna add a entry field by the form with the name 'serial_nr'. I want to store this value in a different table than where 'product' and 'amount' are stored in.

Can someone point me in the right direction?


  • You have on 'product' and 'price' options 'mapped' => false, so if form is defined on some entity it not save this values, or you do it by yourself. If I understand correctly, you have table (product) with columns:

    • product
    • price
    • amount

    and not you want add table (product_serial) related to it with columns:

    • product_id
    • serial_nr

    and add this one to many relation to your form? You can do it by define this relation in doctrine in table product_serial:

            targetEntity: Product
            inversedBy: serials
                name: product_id
                referencedColumnName: id

    and on table product:

            targetEntity: ProductSerial
            mappedBy: product

    and add to form collection field 'serials'.