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HDFS cluster can't work with kubernetes + flannel

I deployed kubernetes with flanneld.service enabled in coreos. And then I started hdfs namenode and datanode via kubernetes replication-controller. I also created kubernetes service for namenode. The namenode service ip is, while the pod ip of namenode is In my case, one namenode and one datanode happens to be on same host. And namenode pod and datanode pod can ping each other successfully.

However I encountered the following two problems when trying to start hdfs datanode:

  1. If I used namenode service ip as fs.defaultFS in core-site.xml for datanode. When datanode tried to register itself to namenode via rpc request, namenode got the wrong ip address for the datanode. Normally it should get the pod ip of the datanode, but in this case docker0 inet address of datanode host is reported to namenode.

  2. in order to workaround this, I used namenode pod ip in core-site.xml for datanode. This time datanode can't be started at all. The error info reports that "k8s_POD-2fdae8b2_namenode-controller-keptk_default_55b8147c-881f-11e5-abad-02d07c9f6649_e41f815f.bridge" is used as namenode host instead of the namenode pod ip.

I tried to search this issue over the network, but nothing helps me. Could you please help me out of this? Thanks.


  • use the latest kubernetes and pass the params --proxy-mode=iptables to kube-proxy start command, HDFS cluster works now