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Sum all integers in a multidimensional array javascript

Let's say I have this:

function arrSum(){
  *code here*

How do I write the arrSum function such that it can sum all the integers within a multidimensional array (of variable depth).


arrSum([2, 5, [4, 6], 5]) === 22;

I know there must be an answer to this somewhere but I really can't find it. If this is a duplicate please let me know.


  • Simply you can write a function like this with recursion

    function arrSum(arr) {
      var sum = 0;
      // iterate array using forEach, better to use for loop since it have higher performance
      arr.forEach(function(v) {
        // checking array element is an array
        if (typeof v == 'object')
          // if array then getting sum it's element (recursion)
          sum += arrSum(v);
          // else adding the value with sum
          sum += v
      // returning the result
      return sum;
    console.log(arrSum([2, 5, [4, 6], 5]) === 22);

    Using for loop

    function arrSum(arr) {
      var sum = 0;
      for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
        if (typeof arr[i] == 'object')
          sum += arrSum(arr[i]);
          sum += arr[i];
      return sum;
    console.log(arrSum([2, 5, [4, 6], 5]) === 22);