I have one question about Backbone.View
and its delegateEvents
. You can read in docs here about extend
method. Using this method, you can "override the render function, specify your declarative events" etc.
I have a question about declarative events or delegateEvents (not sure how should I call it). They are described here. And here is an example:
var DocumentView = Backbone.View.extend({
events: {
"dblclick" : "open",
"click .icon.doc" : "select",
"contextmenu .icon.doc" : "showMenu",
"click .show_notes" : "toggleNotes",
"click .title .lock" : "editAccessLevel",
"mouseover .title .date" : "showTooltip"
open: function() {
select: function() {
this.model.set({selected: true});
As you can see, you can add different events on specific objects in template DOM. Like click
or mouseover
. So, having this template:
<player class="normal" value="{player}" style="{style}"></player>
You can add different click
event on every single player, like this:
events: {
'click player': 'playerClick'
playerClick: function( e ) {
var playerValue = e.currentTarget.getAttribute( 'value' );
// HERE: e.currentTarget I've particular player
My question: Can I declare render event in similar way as click event? I want to catch event when single player (not the whole list) is rendered. I need to get e.currentTarget
there and change its css a little bit.
I'm looking for something like this:
events: {
'render player': 'playerRendered'
playerRendered: function( e ) {
var playerValue = e.currentTarget.getAttribute( 'value' );
// HERE: e.currentTarget I've particular player
How can I do this? Because render
in delegateEvents, doesn't work:/
Maybe in the initialize function within your view you can have a listenTo with the render. Something like that:
var view = Backbone.View.extend({
className: 'list-container',
template: _.template($('#my-template').html()),
initialize: function () {
this.listenTo(this, 'render', function () {
render: function() {
return this;
And then:
var myView = new view();