I have a piece of Rack middleware that loads a tenant, via subdomain, and applies some default settings. The middleware, while not pretty, does it's job fine enough. However, when an exception is thrown within the app the middleware "traps" the full stack trace. When I say trap I mean it hides the expected stack trace.
Here is an example.
I am throwing an exception in an a controller action like so:
def index
throw "Exception in a Rails controller action"
@taxonomies = Spree::Taxonomy.all
You would expect that the stack trace would reference this location but it does not. Instead it reference a line in the middleware.
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 139ms
UncaughtThrowError (uncaught throw "Exception in a Rails controller action"):
lib/tenant_manager/middleware/loader.rb:42:in `call'
Why does this happen? Have you seen anything like this before?
Here is the middleware:
# lib/tenant_manager/middleware/loader.rb
module TenantManager
module Middleware
class Loader
# Middleware to detect an tenant via subdomain early in
# the request process
# Usage:
# # config/application.rb
# config.middleware.use TenantManager::Middleware::Loader
# A scaled down version of https://github.com/radar/houser
def initialize(app)
@app = app
def call(env)
domain_parts = env['HTTP_HOST'].split('.')
if domain_parts.length > 2
subdomain = domain_parts.first
tenant = Leafer::Tenant.find_by_database(subdomain)
if tenant
ENV['CURRENT_TENANT_ID'] = tenant.id.to_s
ENV['RAILS_CACHE_ID'] = tenant.database
Spree::Image.change_paths tenant.database
Apartment::Tenant.process(tenant.database) do
country = Spree::Country.find_by_name('United States')
Spree.config do |config|
config.default_country_id = country.id if country.present?
config.track_inventory_levels = false
Spree::Auth::Config.set(:registration_step => false)
I am running ruby 2.2.0p0
and rails 4.1.8
I have searched the webs for this but could not find anything, probably because I'm not serching for the right thing.
Any thoughts on why this is happening and what I am doing wrong?
I finally found the solution to this. It turns out that the last line in what is considered my application is in the middleware. I was running the rest of the code in a local rails engine located in a components
directory. All we needed to do was create a new silencer for BacktraceCleaner
. Notice components dir is now included.
# config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line !~ /^\/(app|config|lib|test|components)/}
If you are interested here is an issue I posted on the rails project about how to replicate this in detail. https://github.com/rails/rails/issues/22265