I have two collections:
Group = {
users: [Array_of_User]
User = {
name: _string_
I'm listing groups ans I'm trying to know in the template if a user is in the groups:
groups: function(){
return Groups.find();
currentUsername: 'test'
<template name="main">
{{#each groups}}
{{#if [the group contains currentUsername] }}
doesn't contain
The question is: what can I put on the helpers and instead of [the group contains currentUsername]
to make it work?
Also, I'm not saying this is the way to do it. I'm open to any suggestions even if it means I have to change a lot.
Within your each block, your data context becomes the current group that is being iterated over. Therefore you can write a helper method that references that current data context like this:
userInGroup: function(username) {
var userInGroup;
this.forEach(function(groupUsername) {
if (username == groupUsername) {
userInGroup = true;
return userInGroup;
'this' within the userInGroup template helper references the current group as long as you use the helper within an a group iteration.
You can then use the helper like this:
<template name="main">
{{#each groups}}
{{#if userInGroup currentUsername}}
doesn't contain