I am quite new to jmeter, I am using it to load test an application. My current setup is good if running few threads at a time but gets problems when more users get connected.
Here's the scenario,
sample_1: request table data
sample_2: set table row with empty user column as used by current user
'-->post_process_beanshell: check if have error message
sample_3: do other stuff
Currently I am able to check if the 2nd sample has an error message, the question is how do I tell beanshell to go back to 1st sample when the 2nd sample has an error message?
I would recommend put your "sample_3" under If Controller like:
JMeterThread.last_sample_ok - is a pre-defined variable which returns "true" if previous sampler was successful and "false" if not so if your "sample_2" will fail - "sample_3" won't be executed and the whole sequence will start over