I'm new to SystemJs and jspm, and I'm working on creating a build process.
Is the jspm_packages
supposed to be sent to dist
and then the server?
I'm confused about that. My first impression is that it isn't, but after working with SystemJs and jspm for a while I've noticed a couple of things.
folder.Having those points in mind, I've thought that maybe the idea behind that folder is to be sent to the server after all.
Yes, jspm_packages is supposed to be sent to the server unless you create an sfx- bundle for production. Alternatively, you can point SystemJS to fetch modules from a CDN so that you don't need to host jspm_packages yourself.
Read more about Production workflows here: https://github.com/jspm/jspm-cli/blob/master/docs/production-workflows.md
P.S. It's likely that you don't want to have source maps in production. So the only problem is css. You can inject it into the bundle as well: https://github.com/systemjs/plugin-css#builder-support