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Integrating jQuery MixItUp in an angular.js project

I'm trying to integrate jQuery MixItUp in an angular.js project. For this purpose i'm using the following custom directive.

app.directive('mixitup', function($compile) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        scope: {
            entities: '='
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            scope.$watchCollection('entities', function() {
                    animation: {
                        duration: 200
                    load: {
                        sort: 'date:desc'
                    debug: {
                        enable: true,
                        mode: 'verbose'
            }, true);

The directive is used in HTML as following.

<div mixitup="mixitup" id="mixitup-container" entities="medias">
    <div ng-repeat="media in medias"
        data-date="{{ }}"
        class="{{ itemClass }} {{ media.category }}">
        <div class="image">
            <img ng-src="{{ media.cover_image }}" class="img-responsive"></div>

The medias collection is filled in a controller by fetching JSON data from custom services to connect the angular app to a Laravel 5.1 app. The success callback calls the following function. When logging the collection in the directive, it looks good.

$scope.addMedias = function addMedias(data) {
    for (var i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
    $scope.loading = false;

The content is loaded as normal, but the MixItUp-Tiles stay hidden with display: none. When adding filters to the view, the tiles show up when filtering, but not at startup.
I also tried removing floats from Twitter Bootstrap 3 in CSS, because MixItUp is using display: inline-block.

#mixitup-container .mix {
    display: none;
    float: none;

Also the MixItUp debug script doesn't show any errors. But #mixitup-container gets class fail attached.


  • I managed to integrate jQuery MixItUp into my AngularJs app.
    The custom directive now looks like this:

    .directive('mixitup', function($compile) {
        return {
            restrict: 'A',
            scope: {
                datasource: '=',
                add: '&',
            link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
                scope.$on('init-mixitup', function(event) {
                        animation: {
                            duration: 200
                        load: {
                            sort: 'myorder:desc'
                scope.$on('resort-mixitup', function(event, sortCommand) {
                    angular.element(element).mixItUp('sort', sortCommand);

    I used angular broadcast functionality to init MixItUp once all data is loaded. This is done by triggering the following:

    // init
    // sort
    $rootScope.$broadcast('resort-mixitup', 'myorder:desc');

    The view HTML looks like this:

    <div class="btn-group controls">
        <button class="btn btn-lg filter"
        <button class="btn btn-lg filter"
        <button class="btn btn-lg filter"
        <button class="btn btn-lg filter"
    <div mixItUp="mixItUp" id="mixitup-container">
        <div ng-repeat="item in items"
            id="{{ }}"
            style="display: inline-block;"
            data-myorder="{{ }}"
            class="mix col-xs-6 col-sm-4 {{ item.category }}">
                <img ng-src="{{ item.image }}" class="img-responsive img-circle">

    I also included the prefered css rule in my less:

    #mixitup-container {
        .mix {
            display: none;

    One small problem remains. When i visit the page with MixItUp the first time, everything is okay, but the second time, the filters and sorting aren't working anymore. I'm using the angular $routeProvider to manage routing. There is another question relating this issue here: How to initiate MixItUp with AngularJS NgRoute