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Javascript Open Declaration (Ctrl+Click) broken after upgrading to Eclipse Mars

After upgrading from Eclipse Luna to Mars, I found that the Ctrl+Click/F3 drill-down functionality (Open Declaration) does not work anymore, throwing an error:

Problems opening an editor. See error log for more details.

The following entries appear in the eclipse Error Log itself:

Unexpected runtime error while computing a text hover (with a NullPointerException)
error during type inferencing (with a NullPointerException)
Internal Error (with InvocationTargetException caused by NullPointerException)

Some additional observations:

  • The problem occurs on a JavaScript-configured project which had no problems in Luna
  • The problem does not occur on another JavaScript project, whose JS files are much less complicated (70KB in 5 files vs. 5MB in 19 files (excluding ExtJS libraries) in the problematic project)
  • I installed Mars on top of Luna using the recommended update process (
    • To ensure it is not due to something wrong during the upgrade, I also downloaded Eclipse Mars for Java EE Developers and installed it fresh.
    • I did the same for the project, setting it up from scratch, to exclude the possibility some old Luna setting messing up with Mars
  • Open Declaration, Open Implementation, etc. work in Java, only Javascript seems to be affected

Does anybody have an idea if there is something I can do to fix this problem or it is an issue with Eclipse? (I couldn't find anything related in Eclipse's Bugzilla)


  • I opened an issue in Eclipse Bugzilla. It had already been fixed internally and the fix is included in Mars SR1.