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Cannot use ContractAbbreviator in ContractClass?

I've just started using and found that the ContractAbbreviator attribute makes it possible to describe contracts in a clean way.

However, I'm not able to make it work in a contract class for an abstract class.

Given this simple class:

internal abstract class MyClass
    public abstract int Position { get; }

    public abstract void Reset();

I'd like to write a contract class that ensures that:

  • Position is always greater than or equal to zero.
  • Position is zero for newly created instances.
  • Reset() causes Position to revert to it's initial value (zero).

So, I came up with this contract class:

internal abstract class MyContractClass : MyClass
    internal MyContractClass()

    public override int Position
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() >= 0);
            return default(int);

    public override void Reset()

    private void EnsuresInitialState()
        Contract.Ensures(this.Position == 0);

However, when compiling this I get the following error:

Contract class MyContractClass references member MyContractClass.EnsuresInitialState which is not part of the abstract class/interface being annotated.

Does that mean that it's impossible to use ContractAbbreviator methods in a contract class, or am I doing something wrong here?

In this simple class there is really no point in having an abbreviator, since the state to ensure is just a single property. In my real class, however, there are several other properties that I want to ensure are reverted back to their initial values.

I'm using Visual Studio 2013 Update 4.


  • Move the EnsuresInitialState method to the abstract class and mark it protected. Then add a default constructor to the abstract class that calls it:

    internal abstract class MyClass
        protected MyClass()
        protected void EnsuresInitialState()
            Contract.Ensures(Position == 0);
        public abstract int Position { get; }
        public abstract void Reset();
    internal abstract class MyContractClass : MyClass
        public override int Position
                Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<int>() >= 0);
                return default(int);
        public override void Reset()