I successfully removed "Build All" "Build Project" "Clear..." "Build Automatically" and "Generate Java docs" from the PROJECT Menu. I am using Activity to hide them.
But I am not able to remove "Build Working Set" at all.
Please help me removing this from the project menu, as this command is not needed in my perspective.
This menu is added by the Eclipse RCP action builder org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.WorkbenchActionBuilder
in the addWorkingSetBuildActions
private void addWorkingSetBuildActions(MenuManager menu) {
buildWorkingSetMenu = new MenuManager(IDEWorkbenchMessages.Workbench_buildSet);
IContributionItem workingSetBuilds = new BuildSetMenu(window,
Unfortunately the MenuManager
constructor this is using doesn't specify an id, so I don't think you can use an activity to suppress it.