ui and I want to make code something like this:
<ons-list id="result"><ons-list-item modifier="tappable">tap</ons-list-item></ons-list>
I want to do this inside javascript using jquery append(). My code goes like this :
var onsList = $("#result");
onsList.append('<ons-list-item modifier="tappable">1</ons-list-item>');
onsList.append('<ons-list-item modifier="tappable">2</ons-list-item>');
onsList.append('<ons-list-item modifier="tappable">3</ons-list-item>');
it can append alright but the tappable modifier doesn't work..help me please
You need to compile Onsen UI elements if you add them dynamically. Otherwise they will be just empty HTML tags without any magic behind. Something like this:
var elem = $('<ons-list-item modifier="tappable">1</ons-list-item>');
Notice that the element must be appended before calling ons.compile()