How can I get to update when a new id is passed to a component? i.e.
// application/
// Generic ember link-to passing the dashboard id
<ul class="dropdown-menu">
{{#each dashboard.service as |dashboard|}}
{{#link-to 'dashboard' dashboard}}{{dashboard.dashboard_name}}{{/link-to}}
// dashboard/template.hbs
// components/widget-list/template.hbs
{{#each widgets as |widget|}}
{{widget-base widget=widget}}
<small>No widgets for this dashboard</small>
// components/widget-list/component.js
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Component.extend({
widgets: Ember.computed(function() {
var widgets ='widget', {
dashboard: this.get('dashboard_id')
return widgets;
Basically i'm viewing different dashboards which have widgets attached. The model.dashboard_name will update when I click my dashboard links, but the widgets stay the same. If I hard refresh, they update, but I need to them update with the new widget list when each dashboard link is clicked. For some reason this isn't happening.
Can anyone provide a fix or some info as to what I need to do?
You could watch dashboard_id
export default Ember.Component.extend({
widgets: Ember.computed('dashboard_id', function() {
var widgets ='widget', {
dashboard: this.get('dashboard_id')
return widgets;