Search code examples

Zk Notify multiple view

I'm working on a project using zk framework. I have many users who can use the application at the same time.

If one of them change a value of a field and fire the @notifychange I want to update the views of all other users.

For example if all the users are in the same page

<window title="Search" width="600px" border="normal"
viewModel="@id('vm') @init('demo.getting_started.mvvm.SearchViewModel')"
binder="@id('b') @init('demo.getting_started.mvvm.AnnotateBinderExt',queueName='myqueue',queueScope='session')">
<hbox align="center">
    <textbox id="txt" value="@bind(vm.keyword)" />
    <textbox value="@load(vm.keyword)" />

and one of them change the value of the textfield I want update the value of the label for the other users.

I'm trying to work with the eventQueue but couldn't out how to implement it.


  • Your almost there.

    The reason why it doesn't change is because @notifychange is propably called from a Command in stead of a GlobalCommand.

    Take a look at this small talk what I wrote.

    @Command is always the same viewmodel, @GlobalCommand can reach out to other viewmodels in the binders scope.