With an image drawn with Graphics2D, I need to access the bottom left corner's coordinates (Or any of the other 3 points on the image). The problem is that the image is rotated. Here is the paintComponent()
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
//Makes a white background
g2d.fill(new Rectangle2D.Float(0, 0, (float)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getWidth(), (float)Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().getHeight()));
//Draws Images & rotates
g2d.rotate(Math.toRadians(rocketAngle), r.getxPos() + (r.getImage().getWidth()/2), r.getyPos());
g2d.drawImage(r.getImage(), r.getxPos(), r.getyPos(), this);
(Where 'r' is an object that contains a photo)
Normally, I would add the images height to the images drawing point, but this doesn't work because the image is rotated. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
So you have the following points in your original coordinate system (CS1):
Left bottom: lb(0, h)
Right bottom: rb(w, h)
Right top: rt(w, 0)
Left top: lt(0, 0)
You want to rotate picture around point v(w/2, 0). For this let's introduce new coordinate system with center at point v (CS2):
x' = x-w/2
y' = y
Now let's introduce CS3 which is CS2 rotated on angle phi:
x'' = x'*cos phi - y'*sin phi = (x-w/2)*cos phi - y*sin phi
y'' = x'*sin phi + y'*cos phi = (x-w/2)*sin phi + y*cos phi
Now you want to get coordinates of points lb, rb, rt, lt of CS1 in CS3:
lb'' = (-(w/2)*cos phi - h*sin phi, -(w/2)*sin phi + h*cos phi)
I hope, you got the idea