I'm trying to access the following static enum
public class Colors
public enum ListofColors
But I keep getting the error
NameError: cannot load Java class Colors.Colors::ListofColors::BLUE
When I try the following:
CL = JavaUtilities.get_proxy_class('Colors.Colors::ListofColors::BLUE')
but then I tried the following:
CL = JavaUtilities.get_proxy_class('Colors.Colors')
red = Colors.Colors::ListofColors::RED
And it gave me the following error:
NameError: uninitialized constant Colors
Is there a different way to get this static enum from the jar file and include it in Jruby without getting that errpr?
I think you need package::class, you repeated Colors twice
also see
Problems Calling a Java Class from JRuby
figure out if java_import helps you https://github.com/jruby/jruby/wiki/CallingJavaFromJRuby
Also you dont seem to be using the variable CL, Try using