So here's the problem, user can select one of six links, something like this
after he select specific link for example Link 1 he should be redirected to home page with sidebar menu looking like this:
If he select for example Link 2 his menu should look like this:
Anyway, i got no idea how to achieve this since my menu is located inside _Layout.cshtml, could View Component feature help me with this issue??
I found solution myself using viewComponent feature.
First of all i had to reconfigure my default route inside Startup.cs to look like this:
app.UseMvc(routes =>
name: "defaultLink",
template: "{link='Link1'}/{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");
After that inside layout I invoked viewComponent like this:
// invoke viewComponent in layout and pass url parameter to it
@Component.Invoke("SidebarMenu", ViewContext.RouteData.Values["link"])
and my viewComponent method looks like :
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(string link)
switch (link)
case "Link1":
return View("_Link1Menu");
case "Link2":
return View("_Link2Menu");
return View("_Link1Menu");
_Link1Menu view looks like this:
<ul class="sub-menu">
<a href="/Link1/Home/SomeMethod">
<a href="/Link1/Home/SomeOtherMethod">
and _Link2Menu view looks like this:
<ul class="sub-menu">
<a href="/Link1/Home/SomeMethod">
<a href="/Link1/Home/SomeOtherMethod">
After this, when u hit URL /Link1/Home/Index - u'll get menu from _Link1Menu view, and when u hit URL /Link2/Home/Index - u'll get menu from _Link2Menu view...