When a user hovers over '.arrow img':
I'm trying to hide/edit the code inside the div '#page1' so that it's blank.
And edit the code inside the div '#page2' so that it's 'include page2'
However, so far it's just adding it as text (printing "include page2" onto the page).
I've been trying .append, .appendTo, .html.
jquery file:
$('.arrow img').mouseover(function(){
//$("#page1").[the code edit function (I don't know it)]
$( "#page2" ).append( "include page2-pg" );
div id="page1"
include page1-pg
div id="page2"
div id="page2-pg"
for those who don't know slim I translated it into html and made a fiddle (if that'll help any...): https://jsfiddle.net/y7q6ca3d/2/
I just used a random picture for the up arrow, though I have it in the file on my pc. There's no problem with the hover function, just that it only adds the line in text instead of as code..
Instead of adding 'include...' to index.slim, I just made sure that the 'include...' was already there, but hidden with .hide() in the js file.
Then when arrow is .mouseover, I used .hide() on page1 and .show() on page2.