I'm running a test to see if the values I've inputed into a file are the same values I generate from my API. So I have actual values which are generated from my API and I have another list of expected values. The problem I have is that I am not able to make apple to apple comparisons.
Actual = {red, bleu, yellow, purple}
expected = {bleu, red, purple, yellow}
failure: red != bleu, bleu != red, yellow != purple, purple != yellow
I'm not sure how else to better describe what I'm saying other than showing you my code.
Here is my code:
TreeSet<String> hashSet = (TreeSet<String>) calcGraph.getInputs();
boolean success = true;
String error="";
for(String xpath : hashSet) {
String actual = someApi(response, expression, xpath);
for ( String values : data.getDataOutputs().keySet() ) {
String expected = data.getDataOutputs().get(expectedXpath);
if ( !expected.equals(actual)) {
error+= "\nExpected : " + expected +"\nActual: " +actual+"\n";
success = false;
} if ( !success ) Assert.fail(error);
How can I compare these lists within 1 foreach loop or equivalent? Any help or assistance would be appreciated.
Iterator<String> expectation = expectedList.iterator();
Iterator<String> actuation = actualList.iterator();
while((expectation.hasNext()) && (actuation.hasNext())) {
String exp = expectation.next();
String act = actuation.next();
logger.info("Expected: "+exp);
logger.info("Actual: "+act);
// Validation check
if ( !exp.equals(act)) {
error+= "\nExpected : " + exp +"\nActual: " +act+"\n";
success = false;
} if ( !success ) Assert.fail(error);
Order matters, so this will fail...
You can use
to check if an actual value is in expected value, you only need one for loop to achieve this
See this