I have a play! 2.4 webapp, that validates epubs with epubcheck 4.0.1.
The epubcheck.jar contains localizations for several languages.
When I run the jar from command line I get localized error messages.
java -Duser.language=es -jar epubcheck.jar some.epub
Validación usando la versión de reglas epub 2.0.1.
INFO(CSS-007): some.epub/OEBPS/css/style.css(10,3): La propiedad 'font-face' OEBPS/fonts/ABeeZee-Regular.woff hace referencia a un tipo de fuente no estándar application/octet-stream.
INFO(CSS-007): some.epub/OEBPS/css/style.css(16,3): La propiedad 'font-face' OEBPS/fonts/ABeeZee-Italic.woff hace referencia a un tipo de fuente no estándar application/octet-stream.
No se han detectado errores o advertencias.
epubcheck completado
But when I run it as a library it always defaults to english.
I tried:
// set locale for translated messages
Locale locale = new Locale(language);
language = Locale.getDefault().getLanguage(); // is "es" now
How can I make epubcheck use it's other localizations?
I get the output of epubcheck like that:
// catch stderror output of epubvalidator
ByteArrayOutputStream ba = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(ba);
EpubCheck epubCheck = new EpubCheck(file);
// .. get stdout as string
String resultString = new String(ba.toByteArray(), "UTF-8");
Edit 11/12/2015: I added code to support per-instance localization and issued a pull request to the EpubCheck repo. You can see the code here:
I'll continue to track this and update this post with developments.
Original answer:
Epubcheck supports i18n
internationalization since 4.0. You can check out the internationalization page on the GitHub wiki for the project. Currently supports en
, ja
, de
, es
, fr
, it
The following code should do what you need:
File file = new File("/home/matthew/Desktop/RobinHood-1.0.epub");
Locale l = new Locale("es");
// Create a stream to hold the output
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
PrintStream old = System.out;
System.setOut(new PrintStream(baos));
// Do epubcheck stuff...
EpubCheck epubCheck = new EpubCheck(file);
// Flush and reset output stream
System.out.println("Result >> " + baos.toString());
The default output displays in Spanish now:
Result >> Validación usando la versión de reglas epub 2.0.1.
Edit: Since Locale.setDefault()
changes the JVM's global locale, it's not appropriate for server-side use.