What's the correct syntax to search a .txt file for a keyword in JavaScript?
EDIT: I'm working with a subset of JavaScript called UnityScript in a program called Unity3D. It outputs .exe programs. Here's an example of UnityScript:
import System.IO;
function ReadFile () {
var sr = new StreamReader(Application.dataPath + "/" + readFilePath);
var fileContents = sr.ReadToEnd();
var lines = fileContents.Split("~"[0]);
for (line in lines) {
Debug.Log (line);
I thought that if I could get a function from JavaScript I could import it into my program. I see now that perhaps I was wrong.
Thanks - Elliot Bonneville
Try this:
function process(url, send, RegExp)
with(new XMLHttpRequest) {
open((send) ? "POST" : "GET", url , false);
if(readyState == 4)
return RegExp != null ? responseText.match(RegExp) : responseText
file.txt :
Call the function like
process("file.txt", null, /name=([^&]+).id=(\d+)&foo=([^\n]+)/g)