I'm following the Clojurescript Quick Start, and I'm continuing to build out a clojurescript project without relying on a build tool like lein or boot to make sure I understand what is really happening.
I'm at a point where I'm trying to introduce a dependency on reagent, which itself has a few dependencies like cljsjs/react and cljsjs/react-dom. The instructions within the quick start related to cljsjs dependencies is here, and the example given curl
s clojars.com
for the .jar
. This does not work for cljsjs/react
, as there is no .jar
. Can someone please explain:
To get reagent to work, I was able to clone the reagent repo and run lein compile
and lein uberjar
to get a .jar
that I could place in the root of my project and build with java -cp cljs.jar:reagent-0.6.0.jar:src clojure.main build.clj
, but I'm at a loss for this react dependency. Thanks for your time.
The following worked for me:
curl -O https://clojars.org/repo/cljsjs/react/0.14.0-1/react-0.14.0-1.jar
Rinse and repeat for react-dom.
That said for any real work you are almost certainly going to want either Boot or Leiningen with CLJSBuild