I am making a WYSIWYG HTML-editor by embedding GeckoFX in a Windows Forms application in VB.NET.
This is the code:
Imports Gecko
Gecko.Xpcom.Initialize("C:\Program Files (x86)\XULrunner-33.0")
Dim gBrowser As New GeckoWebBrowser
gBrowser.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
This is how I make Web page editable:
But after I make the page editable, the caret does not show up until I click the page.
How can I make caret visible at an insertion point right after the Navigate method?
This code has no visible effect:
Dim fm As nsIFocusManager
fm = Xpcom.GetService(Of nsIFocusManager)("@mozilla.org/focus-manager;1")
fm = Xpcom.QueryInterface(Of nsIFocusManager)(fm)
Thank you.
With an embedded geckofx control in a winforms application it's important to remember that there are two focus in play.
In order to set the winform focus on the geckofx control:
In order to set the html focus inside the geckofx control call focus on a html element. for example (where Body is a content editable element):