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Spring Facebook Template map fetchObject to PagedList

I'm using the following approach to return a Facebook user's music preferences:

//FIXME: Fetch results in a single operation
val likes = facebook.likeOperations().music
val artists = ArrayList<Artist>()
for (musicLiked in likes)
    val musicProfile = facebook.fetchObject(,, "id", "name", "genre");
    artists.add(Artist(name =, genre = musicProfile.genre))

The above approach won't scale, since we have an additional network operation for each artist the user likes.

I tried:

I tried using however this doesn't fetch genre.


I would like to use facebook.fetchObject with a query that returns a PagedList. How to do this?

(No need to post example code in Kotlin if you prefer or are more familiar with Java - I'll be happy with information in any language).


  • Thanks to advice given in @burovmarley's answer, I inspected the source and came up with:

    val music = facebook.fetchConnections(, "music",,
                PagingParameters(25, 0, null, null).toMap(), "id,name,,genre")
    for (musicLiked in music)
        println("likes: ${}, genre: ${musicLiked.genre}")

    This allows using Spring Social Facebook as an unmodified dependency, and without issuing a pull request, which seem to be fairly slow in processing through the queue at the present time.