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How to set a base URL for HTTP calls and image loading with AngularJS

I've been searching and so far I couldn't find a way to handle the following situation:

I'd like to have one variable that represents my domain, something like Anything that I would want to access is sublocaled in that domain. Such variable should be available for me in all Services as well as from HTML (for image loading purpose). For instance:

angular.module('App', ['App.providers', '', 'App.controllers', 'App.directives']).run('EndpointFactory', [function (EndpointFactory) {
    EndpointFactory.BASE = '';

angular.module('', []).factory('PrizeService', ['$http', 'EndpointFactory', function ($http, EndpointFactory) {
    return {
        index: function () {
            return $ + '/prizes', {});

This example above was one of my failed trials. Although I don't like the idea of having to inject a Factory at every Service, I was willing to do it until I faced the <img ng-src /> tag.

   <img ng-src="{{EndpointFactory.BASE + prize.imagePath}}" />

I can't access the EndpointFactory from this directive and I don't want to have to copy data from the factory to a $scope in every controller.


  • You can use constants. Observe the following...

    module.constant('BASE', '');

    This value can then be injected anywhere e.g.

    module.factory('PrizeService', ['$http', 'BASE', function ($http, BASE) {
        console.log(BASE) // --

    For templates, you could always then slap this on $rootScope in your run block for reference anywhere as such...['$rootScope' , 'BASE', function($rootScope, BASE) {
        $rootScope.base = BASE;

    <img ng-src="{{ base + prize.imagePath }}" />

    Alternatively, you can of course inject and assign this constant to individual scopes opposed to $rootScope, but this sounds like a global value and could be an appropriate fit.

    JSFiddle Link - demo showcasing both $rootScope and factory value injection