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Stormpath runtime error: com.stormpath.sdk.servlet.filter.StormpathFilter was found, but is missing another required class

I'm trying to run a java web application including Stormpath for user registration.

I've added the following libraries to the WebContent/WEB-INF/lib:


However, at runtine (after deploy) I get the following error:

Error 500: javax.servlet.ServletException: Filter [StormpathFilter]: com.stormpath.sdk.servlet.filter.StormpathFilter was found, but is missing another required class.

Anybody that can help?
I'm a newbie in web developing.



  • You should be using Maven to manage your dependencies since the jars that you have added depend on many other ones.

    In case you still want to do it manually:

    1.Check out the project from GitHub:

    $ git clone

    2. Build the project:

    $ mvn clean install

    3. Download all runtime dependencies:

    $ mvn dependency:copy-dependencies -DincludeScope=runtime

    4. Enter the target/dependency directory of the module you will be using. For example, with the Stormpath Java SDK, the default option is an Apache HTTP-client-based runtime:

    $ cd extensions/httpclient/target/dependency

    Here you will find a list of all the runtime dependencies necessary for the module.

    Note that Stormpath and Shiro use the SLF4J logging API instead of commons-logging. Commons-logging is however in the runtime dependency list because HTTPClient needs it. Because of this conflict, you will probably want to excludecommons-logging.jar and include jcl-over-slf4j.jar (downloaded from maven central) instead, which is compatible with SLF4J logging and satisfies the needs of HTTPClient.