I'm currently facing a problem with pathfinding on a map of tiles: I have an ArrayList<ArrayList<Byte>>
, which determines if the tile at list.get(y).get(x)
is blocked or not, and the starting position. Now I want to know if there is a path, starting at the origin, which goes over each non-blocked tile once, and if there is, I want the directions printed out, like 'NWWEW'. I already have got the part of checking if each non-blocked tile is connected to all others (thus, there should be only one area of connected non-blocked tiles) by using floodfill, but I still need an idea on how to go on with the 'path-but-each-tile-only-once'-thing.
If anyone has got any ideas or algorithms, I'd be thankful for answers
Edit: Alright, I think I've got it, but since the question was closed, I'll have to write the solution here:
(Thanks to @Jack for pointing me in the right direction) First of all, the program checks if the current tile is walkable; it'll then be marked as visited and the direction how it has been accessed is added to the directions-string. After that, I call this function recursively for each direction until the length of the total-directions-string is equal to the total number of accessible tiles on the whole map -1. If it's not equal, it removes the direction in which itself has been accessed and returns to the upper layer.
public static void findPath(int x, int y, String direction){
if(map.get(y).get(x) == 0){
map.get(y).set(x, (byte) 1);
directions += direction;
findPath(x, y-1, "N");
findPath(x, y+1, "S");
findPath(x-1, y, "W");
findPath(x+1, y, "O");
if(directions.length() == totalFreeTiles-1){
pathFound = true;
if(directions.length() > 0)
directions = directions.substring(0, directions.length()-1);
map.get(y).set(x, (byte) 0);
You can achieve the goal by implementing a backtracking algorithm.
I would use two global variable: the resulting string (let's call it "direction" initialized to empty) and a matrix (let's call it "matrix") of a three-state type. That is:
Then implement a routine that given a tile and a direction used to reach it, explore adjacent tiles recursively. The routine should do this:
As prototype of routine I suggest using indexes the matrix, so you can easily check for matrix borders