I'm migrating some database methods from Hibernate to JPA with EclipseLink and have an issue with one NamedQuery that used the .size Method from a Set for ordering the results. Here's my Entity class with the Query and the field that's causing the problem:
@Table(name = "PRODUCT")
@DiscriminatorValue(value = "Bundle")
@NamedQueries({@NamedQuery(name = BundleProduct.findProductBundles, query = "select distinct bundle from BundleProduct bundle inner join bundle.products as product inner join bundle.services as service where service.name = :service and product in (:products) and not exists (select product2 from BundleProduct bundle2 join bundle2.products as product2 where bundle = bundle2 and product2 not in (:products)) order by product.size desc, bundle.name")})
public class BundleProduct extends Product
@JoinTable(name = "SERVICEPRODUCT",
joinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "ITSPRODUCT")},
inverseJoinColumns = {@JoinColumn(name = "ITSSERVICE")})
private Set<SingleProduct> products;
This causes an Exception on my Application Server (Weblogic
Exception Description: Deployment of PersistenceUnit [myunit] failed. Close all factories for this PersistenceUnit.
Internal Exception: Exception [EclipseLink-0] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.1.v20150916-55dc7c3): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.JPQLException
Exception Description: Problem compiling [select distinct bundle from BundleProduct bundle join bundle.products as product join bundle.services as service where service.name = :service and product in (:products) and not exists (select product2 from BundleProduct bundle2 join bundle2.products as product2 where bundle = bundle2 and product2 not in (:products)) order by product.size desc, bundle.name]. [349, 361] The state field path 'product.size' cannot be resolved to a valid type.
The first part of the "order by" clause used to be "bundle.products.size" and I was under the impression that changing this to "product.size" should solve the issue but I still get the Exception.
During my research of this issue I found multiple posts that IDEs seem to autocomplete these queries but later it doesn't work. I'm using IDEA 14.1.5.
The state field path 'product.size' cannot be resolved to a valid type.
Yes "size" does not exist, BUT JPQL has SIZE(...) to handle just this.
ORDER BY SIZE(products) DESC, bundle.name
As always, refer to a JPQL reference document to see what functions are available, such as this one.