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Get Client IP in Stateless EJB

I have Stateless EJB WebService.

WS interface:

public interface WSInterface{  
    public String[] WSMethod(@WebParam(name="arg0") String arg0)

WS implementation:

public class WSImpl extends GenericSessionBean implements WSInterface {
    public String[] WSMethod( String arg0)
        return ...;

And i need to get client IP in WSMethod. I tried to get it by this way (it works in "common" webservice):

private SessionContext ctx;  
public String[] getProperties() {  
    List propList = new ArrayList();    
    MessageContext mc = ctx.getMessageContext();  
    Iterator props = mc.getPropertyNames();  
    for (String prop = (String); props.hasNext(); prop = (String)  
        { propList.add(prop); }  
    return propList.toArray(new String[propList.size()]);

But no success: there is no property with name REMOTE_ADDR in MessageContext.

Is there any way to get REMOTE_ADDR in @Stateless EJB?


  • Can you try to obtain a WebServiceContext instead of SessionContext with @Resource? I've no appropriate env to check it up right now